I've just come across this in http://mdx.mrooms.net/course/view.php?id=566 and I can't understand what it means in practice.
Bitesize step 4
"It may be that you develop AOL’s at two different levels of learning, for example at levels 6 and 7. It is possible to gain up to 30 credits at Level 6, the other 40 must be at Level 7. Alternatively, all of your claim may be at Level 7"
Could anyone shed any light on it? I'm not sure how you would write an AOL to claim at Level 6 as opposed to one that you would be claiming for at Level 7? Is it perhaps about any AOL's based on any formal learning you have done at these levels? or is it that, we need to seek advice and then decide how much an AOL is 'worth'?
I've been experimenting with not allowing myself to skip ahead and look at guidance on upcoming tasks until I've feel I've made a major attempt at tackling current activities. The draw back to this, I've been finding, is that sometimes the answers are waiting to be found just around the corner!
Sunday is the day when I have all day, well at least a few solid hours, to really try and get some momentum going for my Module 1 work. But I seem to be bogged down in the detail and can't seem to get warmed up to tackle the bigger tasks requiring focused, connected thinking. It feels as if the 'bitty' details are dominating my thoughts rather then working with a wide perspective where I can see how to connect all the dots. Do others feel that they touch on something but the thought is out of focus and then it slips away without becoming defined or concrete?
I came across the idea of mentally warming up to study, in one of the study skills handbooks and like it! It's such a given part of practice in dance, there's no way I could skip some gentle mobilising and stretching whilst mentally running through my class before I teach and yet I expect to somehow launch into some insightful and well structured writing completely 'cold'. On that note I'm going to try reading some of Gillie Bolton's book on Reflective Practice, thanks Amber for mentioning it in your blog, and see how that effects my study outcomes as a whole today.
I have the same confusion as you Rose - I'm very confused with the claiming process and don't quite know how to go about it? Like you, I have deliberately kept to the suggested timetable of events in the handbook as I'm a great one for 'jumping in' and not really getting to grips with things. It is also helping with time management and staying on top of things as much as possible. However, I don't know that I'm getting to grips with the 'stage by stage' approach either. I am extremely confused with the AOL's I'm not sure if I'm interpreting the core of it all, nor do I feel I have enough supportive evidence to strengthen my claim which concerns me. I think I may have hit a bit of a wall at the moment, I'm not feeling very confident at the moment and that is definitely restricting my focus to study. I seem to be 'to-ing and fro-ing' between lucidity and at the moment I'm not sure where I am. I think I need to take a deep breath and perhaps start the AOL again. To think, this time last week I was feeling quite different in a positive sense - does this go back to that dreaded 'perfection'?!
ReplyDeleteWow. This is very much like my situation.Yes I am about to start writing my first AOL and the same things are happening to me. I felt I was clear in my reading and direction about how to write them, then started worrying about credits and claims and now even though I haven't started I feel 'fragmented' and this effects my thoughts my confidence and my writing. I like Rose's idea of 'warming up' into to it and actually reading your blogs today, I can reassure myself that this is a natural process I am feeling. Rose as in what to claim...I think yes its a mixture of write it then discuss and decide how much to claim, I suppose how weighty it is. I think! I worry that mine won't have enough or I won't be in control or critically concisely where the point of the credit occurs in my writing! I am going to write it then try to pick out my learning outcomes (credit claims)in it. To make sure it is MA level.
ReplyDeleteI exactly get what you say about bitty details dominating and thoughts. I also have to keep my moods in check to my tone of writing. I think the idea of the AOL's is 'get to the point' 'the core of it all' but it is easier said then done to do it concisely. I think you put things in a clear way in your blogs,Rose and Amanda It grounded me. Did it help you? I have the same questions I am still a bit confused about using stuff learned as a child or experienced then,but I think if it still influences you as an adult in your practice and have then evidence to back up it's relevant.This is really hard for me.thanks for sharing Rose and Amanda. It may not make sense also but reading your blogs I feel I may begin to pull myself out of this small ditch.
Please don't worry too much about the credit numbers for the claims. Concentrate on writing the AOLs so that they are reflective of your learning within each identified area, that you draw on supportive evidence which can be in the form of certification, or some sort of proof of attendance from any CPD activities you've engaged with, conferences you've attended, programmes from performances you've choreographed, dvd's of teaching/choreographic work etc. The level of claim/level of your writing should all be pitched at level 7. Once you submit the AOLs to Adesola and I, we will go through and determine the amount of credit each AOL demonstrates. You don't have to do this alone!! Generally the weightier (not necessarily longer) the AOL is the more credit it will achieve. We will come back to you and discuss and AOLs we are unsure of in terms of credit weighting, or if we feel any AOLs need to be split into more than one AOL.
ReplyDeleteSo, focus on your reflective writing now, we'll look at accrediting claims later, and this is something Adesola and I will do based on the AOLs you submit.
Remember we're here is you need to talk through any worries too.